Spice up all of your licks with this sure fire arsenal of 25 lead guitar
licks and techniques. The hardest thing about guitar is getting better.
It is common to get stuck in a rut and have no idea how to improve.
These 25 techniques will open your eyes (and mind) to so many ideas, you
won't know where to start, and may never get in a playing rut ever
again. Included are 25 short, and easy to follow lessons, that are
guaranteed to improve your playing, (even if you only learn a few of
them). But, chances are, if you just watch through it one time, with
guitar in hand, you will soon be maneuvering nimbly around the fretboard
like a pro.
(see detailed track listing below)
This is far from a mundane scale lesson. In fact, I am not advocating
that you practice scales, at all. The scales here are simply vehicles
for teaching the many techniques contained herein ... you can learn a
technique ... cycle thru the scale a few times with it, internalize it
for life, and be ready to move on to the next one. Sure, you will
definitely strengthen your chops, fluidity, and dexterity ... but, more
importantly, you will also sharpen your mind, your ear, and your
imagination ...
running time = 1 hour 22 minutes
here is the introductory trailer ...
track listing
0:00 - intro / overview
3:25 - the basic (E Major) scale we will use throughout
4:23 - #1 - Vibrato
8:00 - #2 - Phrasing
9:00 - #3 - Slide UP into note
12:45 - #4 - Slide DOWN to note
15:06 - #5 - alternate between slide UP and slide DOWN
17:00 - #6 - "think like a blind man" - the true test is to play all exercises with eyes closed
30:51 - #7 - How to Count / Tap Foot = quarter notes 1/4
22:43 - #8 - How to Count / Tap Foot = eighth notes 1/8
24:16 - #9 - How to Count / Tap Foot = triplets 1/12
25:11 - mixing and matching quarter notes, eighth notes, and triplets
27:11 - #10 - How to Count / Tap Foot = sixteenth notes 1/16
28:52 - #11 - Mandolin / Shred picking
30:45 - demonstration of how guitar shredding is same picking technique as mandolin
31:35 - Shred Picking on 2 strings = riffing
33:00 - #12 - Volume Knob / volume swells
34:20 - #13 - Changing Pickups
38:00 - you can practice changing volume and tone knobs, as well
39:00 - #14 - Whammy Bar
41:17 - #15 - Alternate Picking
44:05 - #16 - the "Rule of Doubling" - double your speed on any lick (video frozen)
45:25 - #17 - Chromatics
48:05 - #18 - Legato (Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs)
53:25 - #19 - Trills (Brian May / Queen)
58:07 - #20 - Arpeggios - Major
1:01:17 - #21 - Arpeggios - Minor
1:04:45 - #22 - the "Rake" technique
1:07:00 - #23 - can play anything an "Octave Higher"
1:09:00 - #24 - the "Rule of Bending" - playing the scale using BENDS
1:15:15 - #25 - the "Rule of Bending" - playing the scale using Ghost BENDS
1:17:12 - the "Star Spangled Banner" - Carlo demonstrates techniques - 2 cameras
1:18:20 - the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" - Carlo demonstrates techniques - 2 cameras
1:19:35 - "Hark the Herald, Angels Sing" - Carlo demonstrates techniques - 2 cameras
1:20:22 - the "Star Spangled Banner" - Carlo demonstrates techniques - alternate take / 1 camera
1:21:36 - "Joy to the World" - Carlo demonstrates techniques - 1 camera
carlo zakers
the guitar wizard
Carlo Zakers has been analyzing and playing Grateful Dead music for over 40 years ...
Carlo played in one of midwest's premier grateful dead cover bands, Perfunctory This Band, since 1987
this experience gives Carlo an insight into grateful dead music that few others would experience ... Carlo's TABS are some of the most thorough, and complete TABs you will find anywhere
Carlo has been creating video guitar lessons since 2015 ... his lessons some of the most detailed and thorough you will find anywhere.
many lesson websites would break each one of Carlo's lessons into 10 or 20 small lessons, and sell each section for $10 - $20 apiece
Carlo's lessons always includes helpful tips and exercises to help make playing everything very simple until it becomes second nature
Carlo also teaches and plays all styles... southern rock... classic rock ... country ... metal ...
you will find many other guitar lessons on carlos youtube page ... https://www.youtube.com/c/CarloZakers
private lessons available ...
contact carlo.zakers@yahoo.com with any questions about anything
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER - EXEMPTION FOR FAIR USE - all items for sale on this site were created for strictly educational purposes ... grateful dead guitar lessons does not own the rights to any of the songs ... all songs used in these lessons have been transformed from strictly entertainment purposes to strictly educational purposes