This class will teach you the Lost Art of Transcribing Guitar music ...many guitar players are somewhat intimidated when they see a complex piece of tablature in a magazine, or online ... this class will serve to alleviate all of those fears! ... guitar tablature is fun and challenging, and is probably much, much simpler than you might think it is ...
This class will teach you how to read TABs, and how to create TABs of your own ... it is a great way to improve your playing, and it is actually quite simple ... this will open the door to a whole new world of learning opportunities, and it is something you can use the rest of your life ...
Finally, with less than a half hour of TABBING experience, you will emerge from this lesson being able to TAB an actual song! ... just follow along to the easy on-screen instructions ...
This class is designed for the beginner ... we will go through the basics... how to find the best TAB programs to use ... how to start entering data ... such as your name and song title ... and each individual note ... how to understand the interface ... how to set the tempo, and the key of the song ... how to add expression to notes ... how to change the timing of the notes ... how to play back your TAB so that you can listen to it to check it's accuracy ... how to create digital files of your TABS so you can share them via email or social media ...
Finally, there is an entire song for you to TAB out, "Mary Had a Little Lamb", which is perfect for you to practice your new found TABBING skills! ... you can send this TAB in to obtain feedback, as well ...
this will probably be much easier for you to do than you ever imagined. TABBING is super fun and exciting, and will help improve your playing and understanding of the guitar greatly! ... Give it a try and see what you think! ...
1:00 - choosing a TAB program
2:09 - how to enter your Name and Song Title at the top of the score (Guitar Pro 7.5)
3:16 - getting familiar with the screen icons (Guitar Pro 7.5)
4:53 - Carlo plays the "C Scale" on the guitar
5:28 - how to enter notes = 1st note of the "C scale" (Guitar Pro 7.5)
6:27 - adjusting the length of the notes with the + / - keys (Guitar Pro 7.5)
7:57 - TABBING the "C Scale" - (Guitar Pro 7.5)
9:56 - using the spacing triangle to manage the number of bars per line (Guitar Pro 7.5)
11:23 - adding chord changes to your TABS (Guitar Pro 7.5)
12:24 - TABBING the "G Scale" - setting the key signature (Guitar Pro 7.5)
13:03 - Carlo plays the "G Scale" on the guitar
13:37 - TABBING the "G Scale" (Guitar Pro 7.5)
15:15 - adding vibrato to notes with the "V" key (Guitar Pro 7.5)
16:07 - adding left hand fingering to your TABS (Guitar Pro 7.5)
19:02 - Carlo plays "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
20:53 - Practice TAB - TABBING out "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (Guitar Pro 7.5)
carlo zakers
the guitar wizard
Carlo Zakers has been analyzing and playing Grateful Dead music for over 40 years ...
Carlo played in one of midwest's premier grateful dead cover bands, Perfunctory This Band, since 1987
this experience gives Carlo an insight into grateful dead music that few others would experience ... Carlo's TABS are some of the most thorough, and complete TABs you will find anywhere
Carlo has been creating video guitar lessons since 2015 ... his lessons some of the most detailed and thorough you will find anywhere.
many lesson websites would break each one of Carlo's lessons into 10 or 20 small lessons, and sell each section for $10 - $20 apiece
Carlo's lessons always includes helpful tips and exercises to help make playing everything very simple until it becomes second nature
Carlo also teaches and plays all styles... southern rock... classic rock ... country ... metal ...
you will find many other guitar lessons on carlos youtube page ...
private lessons available ...
contact with any questions about anything
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER - EXEMPTION FOR FAIR USE - all items for sale on this site were created for strictly educational purposes ... grateful dead guitar lessons does not own the rights to any of the songs ... all songs used in these lessons have been transformed from strictly entertainment purposes to strictly educational purposes